African theology project
The PCDA established a Faith & Life Integration project in 2013 called “Pioneering contextualized theological education in Africa”. As a volunteer of the PCDA, former MSC resident Michael Thomas visited the Akrofi-Christaller Institute (ACI) in Akropong, Ghana from April 14 to May 18 to examine how ACI’s approach to theological formation helps students understand the relationship between learning, faith, culture, and mission. The PCDA contributed some seed funding, and you are invited to make charitable donations to the PCDA to support this work by designating them to the “African theology” project (not Michael Thomas).
Now that he has returned from Africa, Michael Thomas will present at two events in the chapel of the MSC (Menno Simons Centre at 4000 West 11th Ave, Vancouver):
- Wednesday, August 14, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m. – join the residents for a potluck community meal at 6:00 p.m. and stay for the presentation.
- Sunday, August 18, 2013 @ 10:00 a.m. – join the worship service of the Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship (PGIMF) and hear Michael speak during the sermon time.
NOTE: you can still donate online to this year’s PCDA’s Faith & Life project using PayPal or mail a cheque to the MSC office.