Introducing Joshua Kuepfer, AIMC

by Resident Coordinator on August 30, 2020

Josh K profile picThe PCDA is pleased to introduce Joshua Kuepfer as our Anabaptist Interim Ministry Coordinator (AIMC). He is an alumnus of the Menno Simons Centre and has experienced living in other Christian communities such as A Rocha and with MCC in Uganda. On a part-time basis, Joshua will be working under the direction of our Campus Ministry Committee to:

  • develop alumni connections and build our online presence, including social media accounts
  • assist with arrangements related to our ownership of the Bernice Gerard Ministry House and the former Lutheran Campus Centre property
  • plan and host student and Menno alumni events throughout the year
  • network with UBC campus ministries, chaplains, and academics as we further develop our ministry plans for the future Menno Hall on our UEL site.

If you are a student in Vancouver interested in community living, or an alumnus of the Menno Simons Centre looking to reconnect, Josh Kuepfer can be reached by:

  • e-mail at Josh at PCDA email
  • phone at 604-224-5202.