Abendmusik Advent 2014 – Nov. 29 & 30

November 9, 2014

This Advent Vespers service features 60 minutes of uninterrupted choral singing, congregational hymns, meditative responsive readings and prayers. The 26-voice chamber choir will be conducted by our Music Director, Michael Murray, organist and Director of Music at St Philip’s Anglican Church in Vancouver and founding member of Vancouver’s musica intima. During an organ offertory, an […]

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Potluck Barbeque, Sun. Sept. 7

September 5, 2014

Welcome to the new residents of the MSC for Fall 2014! On Sunday, September 7th, the church which meets in our chapel (Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship, a.k.a. PGIMF) invites you to join them for a BBQ of farmer sausage and veggie burgers. The worship service starts at 10:30am and lunch will be served afterwards. Meet the founders of the society that […]

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Happy Easter from the students at the Menno Simons Centre!

March 30, 2014

Read the March 2014 Issue 4.0 of our e-newsletter. Spring is here and excitement is in the air! The students of the Menno Simons Centre are wrapping up their term and using more Internet bandwidth than ever. Is it homework, or is it YouTube – or both, in the case of TED talks?

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Currently Accepting Applications!

February 18, 2014

Great news!  Summer 2014 and Fall/Winter 2014/2015 registration is now open!  Click on the link provided to apply to live in the Point Grey area, (with a view of the ocean) at the Menno Simons Centre today!

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Abendmusik Vesper Choir – Lent 2014

January 24, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014, 8:00 pm Emmanuel Free Reformed Church, 3386 Mount Lehman Road, Abbotsford, BC Sunday, April 13, 2014, 8:00 pm Knox United Church, 5600 Balaclava at West 41st, Vancouver, BC Abendmusik continues its 22nd season with a traditional Lent Vespers.  You and your friends are cordially invited to attend this event which features […]

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“Life comes” – devotional for Advent by a former MSC Residence Coordinator

December 19, 2013

Former Menno Simons Centre Residence Coordinator Kathryn Schmidt (now Assistant Professor of Music at Goshen College in Indiana) wrote a devotional for Advent at “Life comes” based on Psalm 80:1-7 and 17-19.

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Merry Christmas from the students at the Menno Simons Centre!

December 12, 2013

Read the December 2013 Issue 3.0 of our e-newsletter. Greetings to all of the friends of the MSC in this blessed season of Advent! We all have so much to look forward to, not only our seasonal celebrations, but also the assurance of a full realization of our Lord’s Kingdom. The full complement of voices […]

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Abendmusik Vesper Choir – Advent Vespers 2013

November 17, 2013

Saturday, December 7, 2013, 8:00 pm Emmanuel Free Reformed Church, 3386 Mount Lehman Road, Abbotsford, BC Sunday, December 8, 2013, 8:00 pm Knox United Church, 5600 Balaclava at West 41st, Vancouver, BC Abendmusik will begin its 22nd season with a traditional Advent Vespers.  You and your friends are cordially invited to attend this event which […]

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Welcome to our Fall 2013 – Spring 2014 students!

September 5, 2013

On Sunday, September 8th the Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship (PGIMF) will be hosting a Student Welcome worship service BBQ at the Menno Simons Centre (MSC). Dr. J. Evan Kreider, one of the founders of PGIMF and the PCDA, will be speaking on the topic of “Go in Peace”. Welcome the new student residents at the […]

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2013 Faith & Life project: African Theology

August 5, 2013

Now that he has returned from Africa, Michael Thomas will present at two events in the chapel of the Menno Simons Centre at 4000 West 11th Ave, Vancouver: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m. – join the MSC residents for a potluck community meal at 6:00 p.m. and stay for the presentation. Sunday, August […]

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