May 19, 2013
The Menno Simons Centre is mentioned in the article “The church as landlord – Providing affordable housing for students may keep young people connected to the church” by Emily Loewen, Young Voices Co-editor, from April 23, 2013 in the Canadian Mennonite magazine. Emily described a congregation that was thinking of purchasing a house in Saskatoon to […]
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January 1, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2012, 8:00 pm Emmanuel Free Reformed Church, 3386 Mount Lehman Road, Abbotsford, BC Sunday, March 24, 2012, 8:00 pm Knox United Church, 5600 Balaclava at West 41st, Vancouver, BC Abendmusik will continue its 21st season with a traditional Lenten Vespers. You and your friends are cordially invited to attend this event which […]
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