We are pleased to announce that the RC Search Committee’s selected candidates have been approved by the PCDA Board to continue our ministry at the Menno Simons Centre as follows:
- Adam & Bethany Parsons are confirmed as our next Residence Coordinators, starting Monday, August 19th after they move into the MSC Coordinator’s Suite on the preceding weekend.
- Thomas Bergen is providing continuity, as our half-time Remote Residence Coordinator for the two months of mid-June through mid-August, supervising the Interim On-Site RCs (Chloe & Madeline – see below), and keeping up with all scheduling, communications and other coordination tasks, plus transitional Q&A time to help the new Coordinators settle in.
- Two of the summer Residence Assistants (RAs) have been hired as Interim On-Site Residence Coordinators for additional paid work, under the supervision of the Remote Residence Coordinator (Thomas):
a) Chloe Derrenbacker until July 24
b) Madeline Sawatzky until August 18
Our contact form and office phone number all remain in use as usual.