Faith and Life Integration Program
At the Feb. 16, 2005 Board meeting, the Board heard and approved in principle a proposal for the development of a “Faith and Life Integration Program” or “Scholarship Program” which would be designed to encourage students to take advantage of opportunities of service in the community (in Canada or overseas) and set up a system to provide support to those students. Supporters wishing to contribute to the program may be eligible to receive receipts for tax purposes for their donations. Donors must designate their cheques to the program (e.g. “Faith & Life Integration”, or “African Photography”), NOT to the individual, (e.g. NOT “Mary Smith’s India trip”).
Purpose: To offer students the chance to receive financial support toward costs for engaging in endeavours that meld academic goals and faith/service to the community. We have many students in our community who have opportunity though their course of study to use their academic/professional training as a service to the larger community, local or global. Serving others within the community is a strong Anabaptist principle that the PCDA hopes to support. Students might not pursue these opportunities as the cost to the student may be prohibitive. This program would facilitate the pursuit of these goals in a practical manner.
Applicants: Current or former residents of the Menno Simons Centre or students relating in significant ways to the Centre (e.g. fellow students or colleagues of such “advocating” students).
Policy: The program is intended to be funded by designated donations only. Applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis as requests arise. Applicants will be required to submit a written proposal, outlining the proposed service opportunity, the financial need and how the project fits in with the PCDA’s goals and values. The Board reserves the right to grant/refuse applicants as they see fit, and may optionally choose to allocate a portion of the unallocated PCDA surplus to “kick start” the particular project. The Board must determine if the applicant’s project fits with the goals and values of the PCDA. Successful applicants would be required to submit a written report to the Board upon completion of their project. This is not an annual scholarship/award. This program will be reviewed by the Board of Directors periodically and it may be discontinued or a different system may be instituted.
Current projects: Michael Thomas is a former MSC resident who conducted research on African Theology at the Akrofi-Christaller Institute in Ghana from April 14-May 18, 2013.
Submit Your Project Proposal: